Act Build Change

Newsletter August 2024

The Shape of Safety, a guide to reimagining safeguarding alongside young people, webinars for members on building leadership - plus some great job vacancies!


Front cover of The Shape of Safety guidebook. Along with the title and description, the cover includes three illustrations showing a person reading, a person waving and a person looking in a mirror.

The Shape of Safety - a new resource on reimagining safeguarding

A guidebook to support those working with young people to safeguard in more trauma-informed ways

Building a collective care response to trolling

Trolling threatens the safety and wellbeing of our people and undermines the sustainability of our movements - so what can we do?

Mumshie Survivor: Storytelling for Social Change Chapter I

Yvette shares the story of her call to leadership and her vision for a movement led by and for migrant women.

Stories can move the world – submit an idea.




Building Leadership Teams Webinar



Strategy & Tactics Webinar

Spread the word on what’s coming up – submit an event.


Domestic Abuse Housing Advocate at Advance

VAWG Advocate at Safety4Sisters

North West Regional Lead at Centre for Progressive Change

Find great people – submit an opportunity.