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Senior Network Organiser at NEON

Looking for someone who is an organiser at heart and who loves getting out there and meeting people.

Online / Bethnal Green | 13 Apr 2025

Please find below the role responsibilities:

  1. Co-design a strategy for the NEON network in collaboration with key staff members.
  2. Organise a regular programme of NEON socials and events, working in partnership with staff to develop exciting event concepts, identify and book speakers, and promote to build the largest possible attendance.
  3. Streamline and maximise the power of our CRM - supporting staff to embed the software effectively across the organisation, and managing the NEON mailing list and forum.
  4. Organise more responsive discussion & learning spaces that speak to current political events or the evolving needs of social movements and NEON’s programmes.
  5. Identify and deliver new and creative ways to bring people into the NEON network and drive engagement, including working with Programme Heads to turn existing programme content into accessible trainings, webinars and resources.
  6. Explore ways to make NEON's spaces - our office, online and event spaces - available and accessible to social movements, in collaboration with the Operations team.
  7. Use NEON events, trainings and 1-2-1-s to build strong relationships with people in NEON’s network, to identify leaders that can participate in NEON trainings and that we can build into a ‘core NEON community’.
  8. Work with the NEON team to ensure our website functions as a useful resource and directory for the movement.
  9. Regularly attend movement convenings and events to identify potential new NEON network members, build understanding of the challenges and opportunities movements face, and strengthen relationships with our partners organisations and existing NEON network members.
  10. Occasionally support teams with the delivery, such as providing facilitation support or delivering content when appropriate.
  11. As the work develops, there will also be opportunities for line management of both permanent staff and contractors.
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